### Digital Humanities Between
Research and Infrastructure  Frank Fischer
Higher School of Economics · Moscow
DARIAH-EU 🇪🇺 Board of Directors
ffischer@hse.ru · [homepage](https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/182492735)
**This presentation:** [lehkost.github.io/slides/2019-03-02-yandex/](https://lehkost.github.io/slides/2019-03-02-yandex/)
[Data&Science: цифровые методы в гуманитарных науках](https://events.yandex.ru/events/ds/02-mar-2019/) · Moscow 🇷🇺 · 2 March 2019 -- ### Chapters
1. Research Example: Infrastructure for
the Research on European Drama 2. ‹Research Infrastructure› 3. DARIAH: Concrete Activities 4. DARIAH: History, Structure, Members --- # Chapter 1.
### Research Example: Infrastructure for the Research on European Drama -- DraCor (Drama Corpora platform) 
-- Research 1: Small-World Phenomenon 
Work by Evgeniya Ustinova (publication in preparation).
-- Research 2: Topics 
Work by Irina Pavlova ([abstract](https://eadh2018.exordo.com/files/papers/158/final_draft/Pavlova___Fischer_-_Topic_Modeling_-_EADH_conference.pdf)).
-- Research 3: Stage Directions 
Work by Daria Maximova ([abstract](https://eadh2018.exordo.com/files/papers/79/final_draft/Stage_Directions_for_EADH_Conference.pdf)).
-- Research 4: Female/Male Character Word Usage 
Work by Skorinkin/Fischer/Palchikov ([paper](http://www.dialog-21.ru/media/4332/skorinkind.pdf)).
-- ## RusDraCor Infrastructure
* common basis: TEI-encoded corpus * DraCor API: easy access to data * shorter code, easy reproducibility * API = infrastructure -- ### Pushkin's *Boris Godunov* 
**Dynamic graph** generated using the [**ndtv**](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ndtv/index.html) package, data coming directly from our [**DraCor API**](https://dracor.org/).
Work by Ivan Pozdniakov ([source code on RPubs.com](https://rpubs.com/Pozdniakov/godunov)).
--- # Chapter 2.
### Research Infrastructure -- ## Infrastructure …
… takes place «below the level of the work, i.e. without
specifying exactly how work is to be done».
Edwards et al.: *[Understanding Infrastructure](http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/49353)* (2007)
-- ### The DH Community
solitary work
team work - *projects* as basic units of research: - «a kind of scholarship that requires design, management, negotiation, and collaboration» (Jeffrey Schnapp) - virtual research environments -- ### Do the Humanities Need
Research Infrastructure? -- #### Here is an infrastructure: 
(Upper Lusatian Library of Sciences in Görlitz; img source: [Wikimedia Commons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Historischer_Bibliothekssaal.JPG), CC-BY-SA-3.0)
-- ## What do we mean by Research Infrastructures?
- national and international scale investments in shared research capability that go beyond what any single institution (or even nation) can support - dramatically increase scientific reach - address research questions of long duration requiring pooled effort - promote collaboration, interdisciplinarity, interaction with industry
Quoted from John Womersley's talk at [ICRI 2018](https://www.icri2018.at/) in Vienna, 12 Sep 2018.
-- ### Conclusion
«All disciplines have infrastructural needs, for data, for specialist knowledge, for methodological support, for storage and processing power. The arts and humanities need shared research infrastructure as much as any other discipline.»
([PARTHENOS’ leaflet to address policy makers](http://www.parthenos-project.eu/why-humanities-need-a-research-infrastructure/))
--- # Chapter 3.
### DARIAH: Concrete Activities -- ### DARIAH
DigitAl Research Infrastructure
for the Arts and Humanities, …
… a pan-European community of researchers to
facilitate humanities research in the digital age.
‼️ Infrastructure is *not a project*. ‼️ -- ### Some DARIAH-Driven Services * Single Sign-On * [TextGrid](https://textgrid.de/en/) – scholarly editing * [Open Archive HAL](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/) – preprints and other scholarly documents * [Hypotheses](http://hypotheses.org/about-hypotheses) – academic blogs in different languages * #dariahTeach – [teaching and training platform](https://teach.dariah.eu/) with peer-reviewed material plus [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCScSbG7XjiXbZVgilEp0Pkw) * [Geo-Browser](https://geobrowser.de.dariah.eu/) – visualisation of spatio-temporal data * [TERESAH](http://teresah.dariah.eu/) – registry of digital tools for the arts & humanities * [DARIAH-DE Repository](https://de.dariah.eu/repository) – Humanities research data * [«Doing Digital Humanities»](https://www.zotero.org/groups/113737/doing_digital_humanities_-_a_dariah_bibliography) – curated DH bibliography with 1,116 articles (as of 2 Mar 2019) * [DH Course Registry](https://registries.clarin-dariah.eu/courses/) – together with CLARIN -- Digital Humanities Course Registry 
https://registries.clarin-dariah.eu/courses/ – joint effort between CLARIN and DARIAH
-- ### Working Groups … - … are the backbone of DARIAH - … can receive direct funding from DARIAH - anyone can be part of a working group, chairs
preferably from DARIAH partner countries - 22 active working groups at the moment, among which:
Text and Data Analytics – Visual Media and Interactivity – GeoHumanities – Women Writers in History – Training and Education – Digital Methods and Practices Observatory (DiMPO) – Lexical Resources – Community Engagement – Digital Annotation – Image Science and Media Art Research – Medievalist’s Sources (MESO) – Guidelines and Standards (GiST) – Ethics and Legality in the Digital Arts and Humanities (ELDAH) – …
Complete overview and details:
https://www.dariah.eu/activities/working-groups-list/ -- ### Foresight and Policy Work
- making the voice of the A+H heard in research policy discussions, promote nascent policies to our communities - focus on Open Science --- # Chapter 4.
### DARIAH: History, Structure, Members -- ### DARIAH History
* 2006: DARIAH appears on ESFRI Roadmap¹ * 2008–2011: Preparatory Phase * 2011–2013: Transition Phase * 2014: DARIAH-ERIC² * 2014–2018: Construction Phase * 2019–: Operational Phase
¹ ESFRI: European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (set up in 2002)
² ERIC: European Research Infrastructure Consortium
-- ## ERICs
- an ERIC is «a specific legal form to facilitate the establishment and operation of research infrastructures with European interest» ([ec.europa.eu](https://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/index.cfm?pg=eric)) - ERIC landscape: [20 ERICs](https://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/index.cfm?pg=eric-landscape ) currently, among which two are addressing the needs of Humanities researchers (CLARIN and DARIAH) -- ## DARIAH Member States #### Founding Members Austria 🇦🇹 Belgium 🇧🇪 Croatia 🇭🇷 Cyprus 🇨🇾 Denmark 🇩🇰 France 🇫🇷 Germany 🇩🇪 Greece 🇬🇷 Ireland 🇮🇪 Italy 🇮🇹 Luxembourg 🇱🇺 Malta 🇲🇹 Netherlands 🇳🇱 Serbia 🇷🇸 Slovenia 🇸🇮 #### New Members Since 2014 Poland 🇵🇱 Portugal 🇵🇹 #### Cooperating Partners/DESIR Bulgaria 🇧🇬 Czech Republic 🇨🇿 Finland 🇫🇮 Hungary 🇭🇺 Israel 🇮🇱 Norway 🇳🇴 Romania 🇷🇴 Spain 🇪🇸 Sweden 🇸🇪 Switzerland 🇨🇭 United Kingdom 🇬🇧 -- ### Outlook: European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
- general cloud for research data of all fields - EOSC Declaration (October 2017; [PDF](https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/pdf/eosc_declaration.pdf)) - data culture, open access, data stewardship, FAIR principles, standards, data management plans, technical implementations, legal aspects - DARIAH together with CLARIN representing the Humanities in the [SSHOC project](https://www.sshopencloud.eu/) (= Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud) --- Thanks.
– https://www.dariah.eu/ –