### Reflections on the DARIAH Theme Calls: ## Past, Present and Future 
Frank Fischer ¹ ² · Anne Grésillon ² · Nathalie Fargier ³ · Marianne Ping Huang ⁴
Klaudia Grabowska ⁵ · Maciej Maryl ⁵
¹ Higher School of Economics, Moscow
³ École normale supérieure de Lyon
⁴ Aarhus University
⁵ Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
[DARIAH Annual Event 2019](https://dariah-ae-2019.sciencesconf.org/program/graphic/date/2019-05-16) · Warsaw 🇵🇱 · 16 May 2019 -- ### **Chapters**
1. DARIAH Theme Calls 2015–2018 2. "Hack4CH: Persée UP!" 3. "Archives that Matter" 4. "Facilitating Cooperation Between Humanities
Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions" 5. Outlook --- # Chapter 1.
### DARIAH Theme Calls 2015–2018 -- ### DARIAH Theme Calls
- since 2015, the Board of Directors – in consultation with the Senior Management Team – sets an annual thematic priority, the **DARIAH Theme** - invoking activities and events related to a topic important to DH researchers - = main funding activity directly addressing our community, along with the Working Group funding calls -- ### DARIAH Theme Calls Recap
- 27 projects funded so far - funded project-leading institutions were: 1. DARIAH National Coordinating institutions, 2. partner institutions of a DARIAH member state, 3. DARIAH Cooperating Partners - 12 out of 17 current DARIAH member states were funded so far - most successful (3 funded projects each): France, Austria, Denmark -- ### DARIAH Theme Calls 2015–2018
- 2015: "Open Humanities" (6 funded projects) - 2016: "Public Humanities" (7) - **2017: "Cultural Heritage and Humanities Research"** (7) - 2018: "Strategic Service Sustainability for DARIAH" (7)
overview: https://www.dariah.eu/?p=148
-- ### Recap Theme Call 2017: ## "Cultural Heritage and Humanities Research"
- [CfP via SciencesConf](https://dariahtheme2017.sciencesconf.org/) (deadline was April 15, 2017) - 7 successful projects -- ### Funded Proposals 2017
- 🇦🇹 "Digital Infrastructures for Digital Cultural Heritage and Media Art Research" - 🇭🇷 "Cooperation Framework of Digital Infrastructure in the Region – Opportunities and Needs in Case of Material Concerning Famous People in Science and Culture" - 🇩🇰 "Archives that Matter: Towards an Ethico-Aesthetic Decolonial Reuse & Shared Infrastructure of Colonial Archives" - 🇫🇷 "Hack4CH: Hackathon for Cultural Heritage" - 🇮🇹 "Opening Data in Heritage Science. Setting the context for data opening and reuse across Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage" - 🇵🇱 "Making Cultural Heritage Data Accessible and Reusable: Finding Best Practices" - 🇵🇱 "Facilitating Cooperation Between Humanities Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions" --- # Chapter 2.
### "Hack4CH: Persée UP!"  A 3-Day Hackathon to imagine new ways to
browse and search the Persée digital library -- **The Persée Portal ([www.persee.fr](https://www.persee.fr/))**  - Archives of French academic publications (journals, serials, proceedings, books) from the 19th century to today - 770k full-text docs available in Open Access - Extensive level of description - FAIR compliance - 70M visits per year - RDF graph and Sparql Endpoint -- ### Context and objectives
- Imagining innovative interface display - Fostering metadata enrichment services - Encouraging creative re-use of Persée data - Connecting with DARIAH communities -- ### Collaboration in practice
- 1 study day with researchers specialised in data visualisation - 2 days of exchanges, ideation and coding - 3 challenges: - Browsing experience - Geovisualizing resources - Searching images - 25 participants organised in multidisciplinary teams (IT developers / librarians / reserchers / web designers) -- ### Results and impact
- 4 prototypes with specific focus on named entities tagging and linking, graph visualisation, geo visualisation - Convergence with needs and demands that have been formulated in the context of DH projects (white label “Perseid”) - Advice to other French structures organising Hackathons --- # Chapter 3.
### "Archives that Matter" -- PLACEHOLDER
(separate Powerpoint presentation) --- # Chapter 4.
### "Facilitating Cooperation Between Humanities
Researchers and Cultural Heritage Institutions" -- PLACEHOLDER
(separate Powerpoint presentation) --- # Chapter 5.
### Outlook -- ### Recap Theme Call 2018
- 13 applications, of which 12 were eligible, and the winners are: - Awareness, understanding and having fun. Fostering communities around the **Standardization Survival Kit** (Inria de Paris) - **DARIAHdocs** as sustainable collaboration platform (DAASI) - **Digital Humanities Course Registry** Sustain – Improving Sustainability through Usability (Austrian Academy of Sciences) - Standard Sustainability: Improving the Usability of the **Text Encoding Initiative** (TEI) (CNRS-CIHAM UMR 5648) - Sustainability for **CENDARI** data sets (SUB Göttingen) - Towards a Sustainable Annotation Tool: Integrating **Recogito** with DARIAH (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society [HIIG]) - **#dariahTeach** PROTEUS: A Novel Model for Sustaining Peer-Reviewed Open Access Teaching Materials (University of Maastricht)
source: https://www.dariah.eu/?p=3332
-- Thanks.
– https://www.dariah.eu/ –