### The State of Digital Humanities in Russia
[Frank Fischer](https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/182492735) ¹ ² · [Boris Orekhov](http://nevmenandr.net/bo.php) ¹ ¹ Higher School of Economics, Moscow
[Slavic DH Workshop](https://cdh.princeton.edu/events/2019/05/slavic-dh-workshop-russian-literary-studies-digital-age/) · Princeton University 🇺🇸 · 28 May 2019, 9:30–10:30 a.m. --  - https://hum.hse.ru/digital/ - formally est. in 2017, director: [Anastasia Bonch-Osmolovskaya](https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/32878143) - DH contact point for the entire Faculty of Humanities - strong interdisciplinary orientation (philosophy, literature, cultural studies, history, linguistics, media, geography) - fostering cross-faculty collaboration - strong focus on research and education (digital literacy courses, first DH Master’s course in Russia) --  - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities - formally an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) - several DARIAH services, teaching and education, foresight and policy work, working groups - 18 member states and many cooperating partners in other countries - #DARIAHbeyondEurope (conferences in USA 2018, Australia 2019) - https://www.dariah.eu/
‼️ Infrastructure is *not a project*. ‼️ -- ### **Chapters**
1. DH Forerunners (20th Century) 2. DH in Russia: Enthusiasm & Infrastructure 3. Teaching & Learning 4. Summary --- Chapter 1.
### DH Forerunners
(20th Century) -- The History And Context of the Digital Humanities In Russia
Inna Kizhner at DH2018.
Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef5uQPa4svU.
-- ## Formalist Movement
- Andrei Bely’s collection of essays, „Symbolism“ (1910) - quantitative methods applied to the study of rhythm in poetry - a „formalist prior to the formalists in Russia“ - Formalist movement, concept of estrangement (ostranenie) - Shklovsky’s „Art as Technique“ (1917), looking at structures of literary works - Moscow Linguistic Circle (1914–1924) -- ## Boris Yarkho (1889–1942)
- early data-driven formalism - describing literature as a system of proportions and relations between different features - development of these structures over time and across genres - incorporating concepts of biology, comparison to the development of life (evolutionary concepts) - „Methodology for the Exact Study of Literature“ -- 
f.l.t.r: Grigorij Yarkho (Yarkho’s brother, philologist and translator from the French), Mariya
Vasiljevna Vakhterova (wife of classical philologist Fedor Petrovsky), **Boris Yarkho**.
Image source: https://urokiistorii.ru/article/52560.
-- „Moscow Formalism and Literary History“ (De Gruyter 2019) 
-- „Moscow Formalism and Literary History“ (De Gruyter 2019) 
-- ## Kolmogorov & Ershov
- Andrei Kolmogorov: Moscow seminar on quantitative methods and poetry studies (early 1960s) - Andrei Ershov: computerised corpus of Russian language (1978–2006) -- ### „History & Computers“ Association
 - http://www.aik-sng.ru/ - celebrated their 25-year anniversary in 2017 - but they don’t think they are doing DH 😊 --- Chapter 2.
### DH in Russia:
Enthusiasm & Infrastructure -- ## Some Popular Corpora/Datasets in Russian DH
- НКРЯ (Russian National Corpus, 2000–2004): http://ruscorpora.ru/ - Poetic Corpus: http://ruscorpora.ru/search-poetic.html - Other corpora: http://ruscorpora.ru/corpora-other.html - Tolstoy Digital, [encoded in TEI](https://github.com/tolstoydigital/TEI) (Tolstoy Museum + HSE Moscow) - electronic library of Pushkinskiy Dom (classics): http://russian-literature.org/ -- ## Literary Corpora (Enthusiasts, Activists)
- Maksim Moshkov’s Library (1994–): http://lib.ru/ - Internet Library of Aleksey Komarov (1996–): https://ilibrary.ru/ - Russian Virtual Library (1999–): https://rvb.ru/ - Fundamental Electronic Library (2002–): http://feb-web.ru/ - SovLit: http://www.ruthenia.ru/sovlit/ -
Russian Wikisource
- https://wikilivres.org/ -- ## GLAM Sector
* Inna Kizhner, Melissa Terras et al.: Accessing Russian culture online: The scope of digitization in museums across Russia. *Digital Scholarship in the Humanities* 34:2, June 2019, pp. 350–367, DOI:[10.1093/llc/fqy035](https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqy035). -- ## Prozhito  - personal diaries from 18th to 21st century - „Не бывает неважных дневников.“ - community of volunteers - http://prozhito.org/ -- ### Russia joining EADH in 2017  - http://dhrussia.ru/ - conference in Krasnoyarsk in 2017: http://conf2.sfu-kras.ru/en/dhrussia2017 --- Chapter 3.
### Teaching & Learning -- ## DH Course Registry 
-- ## DH Course Registry - run and maintained in a joint endeavour by CLARIN and DARIAH, the two big European DH infrastructures - national/regional moderators
## DH Courses in Russia so Far - Krasnoyarsk - St. Petersburg - Moscow -- ## Moscow-Tartu Digital Humanities School
- three editions 2016, 2017, 2018 - (60, 80, 80 participants) - 4th edition announced: https://hum.hse.ru/en/announcements/270033921.html (October 18–23, 2019) - topics across all disciplines of the Humanities -- ## Popularising DH: SysBlok  - Системный Блокъ (Sistemnyj Blok”) - editor-in-chief: [Daniil Skorinkin](https://www.hse.ru/en/staff/skorinkin) - main outlet on VK: https://vk.com/sysblok - > 55,500 users‼️ - also on Telegram: https://t.me/sysblok (another 2,700 users) - website: https://sysblok.ru/ -- ## Typical SysBlok Stories
- [„Why do we need humanities in the age of machine learning?“](https://sysblok.ru/society/zachem-nuzhny-gumanitarii-v-jepohu-mashinnogo-obuchenija/) - [analysis of stereotypic Women’s Day congratulations](https://sysblok.ru/society/smejtes-i-detej-rozhajte-iz-chego-sdelany-pozdravlenija-s-8-marta/) (via Yandex Wordstat) - [DH-enhanced obituary](https://vk.com/wall-168717779_2611) - interviews: [Alexander Piperski](https://sysblok.ru/interviews/cifra-na-sluzhbe-u-filologa/), [Lev Manovich](https://sysblok.ru/interviews/manovich/), Alexandra Elbakyan (in June) --- ## Summary
- DH Centre @ HSE - DH Forerunners in Russia - Enthusiasm, Projects, Infrastructure - Teaching, Learning, Popularising -- ### (Not) The End
Next session:
[Programmable Corpora: A New Infrastructural
Concept for Digital Literary Studies](https://lehkost.github.io/slides/2019-05-28-princeton-programmable-corpora/index.html)